hello everyone I'm so sorry I have not written a blog in such a long time. Mostly because I have been lazy... But I will try to be better for the last 2 weeks haha. So big news yesterday we had 5 baptisms.
It was a really big blessing because there has not been a baptism in this area for a long time and white washing with a blue is not easy! White washing is when you and you companion get put into a ville at the same time and both of you are lost lol. And a blue is a missionary straight out of the MTC. (Missionary Training Center) So it has been an adventure but my companion or aka son is amazing. He is fresh from America so French and teaching is hard for him but he is such a cool guy. And when you and your companion get along and become real friends that's when the work can really take off. So when we arrived in Colmar 11 weeks ago their was nothing going on here. We had no Amis and no information for anything. But Elder Schow and I decided that it was a fresh start for the ville and that anything was possible! So for the next 11 weeks we worked really hard and tried so many different ways to get things moving here and get people excited about the work. And after 11 weeks we had 5 baptisms and have 3 more in October and we have 15 people coming every Sunday to church! It is the biggest miracle I have seen on my mission. Watching a place go from zero work to one of the most thriving church branches I have ever seen! The lord works in such a beautiful way. All you have to do is believe it will happen and the lord will put you in opportunities to be successful! As my mission comes to an end it's hard not to be sad and happy. Happy because I will get to see my family and friends again. But sad because I have to leave my new family franc friends I have made during these 2 years. It is impossible for me to explain my thankfulness or gratitude to Heavenly Father for sending me to this mission and for putting me in each city and with each companion I have had! I have learned that the world is much bigger then myself and that the world does not revolve around me. At 18 years old though that's all I thought. But deciding to serve a mission has been the best decision of my life. Helping the people I have met come unto Christ has only strengthened my own personal testimony of the Savior and that he truly loves me. It's funny how truly when you lose your life for the lord you find it. People would think that leaving 2 years you would lose a lot of things.. But really I have never received more in my life then in these 2 years. Because at the end of the day you only remember the good times. The laughs you shared with people you meet on the street and the tears you shed for the strangers who become family. I am eternally grateful for all the love and support I have received over the past 2 years and for your prayers. I love you all! Elder Karl