(sorry this is so late getting out this week!) Hey everyone sorry I have not been able to write in a little while but we have been so busy here. Things are really good and i can't complain about anything. This week has been really cool because I finally got to go to all the countries in my calling.. That's right this week I went to Luxembourg!!!
Luxembourg |
It was really beautiful and so nice. Everything there is pretty fancy and like everyone is rich so it's a pretty exciting place! We had to go there because one of our zones is there and we had to go to a meeting so we were really lucky. And we had another BAPTISM!!!
Olivier's baptism! |
Olivier was baptized on sunday and he was so excited! He is blind but always has a smile on his face and is just such a huge example to me of "come what may and love it". While he was being baptized he began to laugh when he was put under water when he came up he was still laughing. When I asked him why he was laughing he said because i have never been happier in my life! Moments like that just confirm to me that i am where I am suppose to be in my life! There is no other place I would rather be then here in the service of God. Super grateful for that and just hope that i can continue to keep getting so lucky. I have been having the time of my life out here and there is no better feeling then when you can help someone find the love of Lord.I have never learned so much about life and just myself then in the time I have spent out here in the mission field. And I thank all of you who pray and support me! Thank you so much! i love you all Elder Karl<3