Another week another person! Hello everybody hope you are all doing well. This week has been really amazing I have never seen so much success on my mission before! Knock on wood lol but things are just coming so easy and we are meeting people who are so prepared. This week our 85 year old DMP took us to this really old military castle thats on the beach.
Castle |
It was used for WW2 or something haha. But it was super beautiful and really cool. I love looking at the ocean here really helps to relax and get your mind off of the world.

Later that week it turns out on the first of May everyone has work off. Not sure why but all of the transportation was off so we had to try to walk everywhere! Made things a little bit hard but was a good work out I guess. Also this week we met a guy named Eric. We ported into him one night and he was really happy to meet us. He said we were the answer to his prayer and that he wants to know more! It was really amazing and got Elder Ricks and I super pumped up! Also we met a lady named Macy, who has 3 sons, this week! She was super happy to find out we spoke english because she does not know french! Turns out she has been looking for a church to go to! And she came to church this sunday with her whole family! It was a huge miracle. And finally we met a young african guy named Fabrice. Is so our age and super cool! He calls us everyday to make sure we don't forget about our meetings with him and lessons! He is so awesome we have really been blessed by the Lord and I am super excited to see what happens with all of these people! Sorry I don't have a lot to write about I forget about a lot of things! lol But thank you for all the support and love! I love you all - Elder Karl
light house |
old church |
Beach model |
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